Post by Marian M.I'm trying to set up my old Win95 machine to use for email
over dial-up connection to the U I'm a student at. Problem
is, the machine has Netscape 4.7 & IE 5. something, and
neither can read the U's web page for registering your
computer on their system.
If following the below advice STILL won't let you sign up, you
might suggest to the venerable institution that not all their
students can afford brand new $2,000 laptops and that
simplifying their site might not be a bad idea (see below about
stupid kids putting in stupid crap all over the place, just
because they CAN).
If there is no other way, just go there and have them regster
you manually and when they complain about your crappy computer,
ask them for 2 grand so you can get a new one.
Post by Marian M.I brought home a download for Firefox & installed
it, but whenever I start Firefox, the whole machine
freezes. The only way out is to shut off the machine.
What version of which web browser(s) will work under
Windows95 and also be able to see modern webpages?
Forget Firefox. I used 1.6 on my 166MHz Win95B system (THIS one)
for a while and it sucks - not only it is slow and buggy, it is
badly designed (better than MSIE but that's not saying much, is
it) and VASTLY overrated.
Now, defining "modern" AFA webpages - are you talking about all
the useless crap that 19 year old "webmasters" like to fill them
with, like endless boring annoying flash movies with no purpose
whatsoever, Java pop-ups when a regular link would have done
just as well, etc.?
Did you know a web page can have a txt extension, be 1/100 or
1/1000 smaller than whatever it is now, and still contain the
exact same amount of useful information?
OK, lecturing over.
If, like me, you don't care about all that crap (not to mention
browsers which love it also love Trojans, viruses, etc), then
use the browser from
It is so fast you will die, and it is TOTALLY safe - and it even
lets you do secure pages - depending on what other crap the site
contains. It won't do hotmail or my bank, but it will do my news
provider, my email service, paypal, and several online stores.
For an alternative which will give you most of the useless,
excuse me, modern, eyecandy (and earcandy), use Opera. For
reasons totally incomprehensible to me, this BEST of the full-
featured browsers whose authors are the FASTEST and most
complete at patching all vulnerabilities as MS keeps on creating
them, is totally underrated and almost totally ignored,
especially since Firefox came out. By the time you add all the
plugins and add-ons to Firefox, you just have another MSIE,
which is poison itself.
You can download any old version of opera from
I use 7.23 with no problems. But 99% of the time I use OffbyOne.
If you have less than 64MB of RAM you might want to try an older
version of Opera, like 6 - but remember, a lot of the dumb "new"
stuff may NOT run on it. Some does'nt even run on 7.23 but I
don't care.
Just try it and see.