Post by kleefarrWant to put together a Win 95 system.
Anyone know what the maximum system specs are that I need to stick to?
Hmm, no one responded so, how about some things you need to know:
Memory isn't handled quite as well as in Win98, so you may need to
adjust [down] what you find for Win98 a bit. Take specific note of the
system.ini modifications that need done for larger memory configurations.
Maximum Intel chipset with full support [or supportable] was the i810
series [IIRC]. Intel still has some of the information and drivers, so
look there.
VIA chipsets required the VIA4in1 driver set [4.45 or 4.48 I think,
though it depends upon the chipset and whether it is a hybrid {Via plus
another manufacturer's chip - southbridge/northbridge, etc.}].
MotherBoard Drivers
** A good STARTING point is to find a later version of Win95B or
preferably Win95C [which were OEM/special support only], so many of the
original Retail Windows95A short comings [like Fat32, more/better device
support] and flaws are avoided, and you will have USB 1.1 and other support.
See here for info:
And make sure you apply the updates, and brush up on some of the old
Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Update
This claims it is all of the updates for Win95, which to a point it is,
however, the individual system MAY need some *specialty* updates {the
same holds true for the other Win9X OSs} that deal with specific issues
that might be encountered.
Note the links on the bottom of the download page, and be prepared to
search around the Internet for your specific needs.
Description of Microsoft Windows 95 Service Pack 1 Updates
What is in the Service Pack?
Take specific notice of this WARNING from the page:
"Note: Do not install the Service Pack 1 Update English version on the
English Pan European version of Windows 95 or any other non-English
version of Windows 95."
Cquirke has a pretty easy to read and simplified writeup about the
versions here.
Windows 95
short descriptions and timelines
Determine if Your Version Supports USB
Though this was for Firefox installation it had links to the key
updates AND the last acceptable IE browser [5.5 from] for
Win95 [*DO NOT* install IE6 particularly since it has finally been
exposed as filled with flaws and vulnerabilities and never properly
ported to Win9X {though I have been stating such since it was offered}]
Upgrades, Patches, BUG Fixes, Drivers + Tools
Links to some of the original downloads {and some others} you may need,
make sure you use *ONLY* those for your *specific* Win95 version. MAKE
SURE which 95 version you have BEFORE using any of these files.
Example Notice from the page:
"READ Microsoft guidelines for each UPDATE, and install ONLY the ones
that APPLY to Windows 95B/95C OSR 2.x:"
Links are provided on the page for the specific updates IF the MS
articles/KB are still available.
So for Windows 95, start at the BOTTOM of the page and work upwards to
your *specific* Windows 95 version and look through THOSE updates
{noting any other files/updates you may need from other versions}.
Larger hard drives? Check here for some info:
The issues are mostly Fat32 support related.
Intel(R) Bus Master IDE Driver
VIA Tips and Tricks
Don't expect to find SATA or RAID support (I think I remember RAID 1
software drivers though) [though maybe RLoew or someone worked up
something]. Here again it is a chipset specific aspect, and must
generally come from the manufacturer.
And since Win95A limitations were based upon inherent limits in MSDOS
6.22, you may want to look at some of the alternative DOS that also
allowed Win95A installation and support Fat32, work-arounds to such
installation, or DOS which could be used to replace MSDOS 6.22 after
installation [and any modifications necessary].
Video drivers may be/are a distinct problem as many drivers designed
for Win95 were quite buggy or the adapters/drivers had/have no Win95
support [natively]. Same holds true for sound cards, network cards,
scanners, printers, etc.. The thing you must do is PRE-check for *all*
the drivers for what you intend to use as it will be *specific to your
intended system*.
Make sure the updates have been applied FIRST.
How to Use Windows 95 to Connect Computers on a Network
Troubleshooting Windows 95/98/98 Second Edition Network Connection Problems
Windows 95 Networking: The Basics
Network Adapter Drivers and Protocols: The Basics
Basically, first check that you have the *drivers* properly installed
for the NIC; then that the proper protocol is used as supported within
the network [todays networks use TCP/IP]. If using a router make sure
that your properly setup for DHCP and DNS.
Make sure you HAVE installed all the network support via Windows Setup
AND the drivers for your NIC properly showing in Devices, and properly
setup within the Network control panel. One thing generally missed is
that you MUST have updated the basic OS with the OS updates; AND
depending upon your network configuration, you may need the DSClient
There is some generalized extra networking and trouble shooting info
available via the below windows-main link.
Windows Info, Diagnostics, Security, Networking
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